Meeting Minutes 1/17/13


Date: January 17, 2013

Place: Building 01, Room 301

Time: 3:10pm to 4:00 PM

Attendance: Josh Machamer, GE Chair, Helen Bailey (Office of the Registrar), Clare Battista (OCOB), Elena Keeling (CSM), Tal Scriven (CLA), Katie Tool (GE/Programs and Planning), Bruno Giberti (CAED), Rachel Kramer (ASI), Brenda Helmbrecht (CLA), Camille O'Bryant (CSM), Lisa Nicholson (CAFES), Clark Turner (CENG)


  • Discussion of GE Term Limits/Staggering membership

  • Membership and Appointment Procedures of GEGB: From Academic Senate Resolution AS-713-10

1. The GEGB will be comprised of two faculty members from CLA; two faculty members from CSM; one faculty member from each of the remaining colleges; one student; one member from Professional Consultative Services (PCS); and a GEGB Chair (all voting members, with the exception of the GEGB Chair, who has a tie breaking vote only).

2. The GEGB will also include one representative from the Office of the Registrar (ex officio, non-voting) and one representative from Academic Programs (ex officio, non-voting).

3. Faculty members and PCS representatives on the GEGB shall be members of the General Faculty, as deemed in the Constitution of the Faculty.

4. The GEGB chair will serve four-year terms. The GEGB chair will be appointed by the Provost following a recommendation from the Academic Senate Executive Committee and the GEGB.

5. ASI representatives must be able to demonstrate developing expertise in at least one GE area. ASI representatives will be appointed by ASI for one-year terms.

6. All eligible voting members of the GEGB must be able to demonstrate expertise in at least one GE area. The GEGB chair must also be able to demonstrate extensive expertise in and experience with the GE program as a whole. In addition to demonstrable expertise regarding Cal Poly's GE program, all members should have knowledge of CSU GE standards and Title V.

7. GEGB members will serve three-year terms. Faculty members and PCS members on the GEGB will be appointed by the Academic Senate Executive Committee.

8. When ad hoc GE committees are deemed necessary, members should have expertise in the relevant GE areas.

* Action Item: Josh will draft a proposal and look at staggering terms on the 2 CLA/2 CSM members. He will also look at the other college terms.


Question on GE Petitions
In February, 2012 AS 740-12 revised some of the duties of the GE Chair, and gave the responsibility of GE petitions to the Academic Programs office under Associate Vice Provost, Mary Pedersen (AS~740-12)
Discussion followed.

* Action Item: Josh will revisit the issue of petition responsibility.


Discussion on Basic General Education Test Guide DRAFT 1


  • Does the proposal demonstrate an inherent need for the course as part of the General Education curriculum at Cal Poly?
  • Does the narrative ideas expressed within the need find themselves addressed within the other categories of the proposal?
  • Does proposal accentuate the fundamental talking points stated within the GE Mission? Strengthening intellectual, creative and professional lives

The General Education Program is one of the primary sites for realizing Cal Poly’s vision of a comprehensive polytechnic education. The program promotes an understanding and appreciation of the foundational disciplines that ground all intellectual inquiry. It enriches the specialized knowledge acquired in a major program with an understanding of its scientific, humanistic, artistic, and technological contexts. The program imparts knowledge and transferable skills, fosters critical reasoning and ethical decision making, supports integrative learning, and prepares students for civic engagement and leadership.


  • Are the CLOs directly linked to the General Education Area Specific Educational Outcomes (EOs) & Criteria (CRs)?
  • Are the Assessment Methods clearly specified and tied to the stated Learning Outcomes?


  • Does the proposal provide parity of experience for students taking this GE required Area?
  • Does the proposal narratively demonstrate and support the specific EOs?
  • Does the proposal narratively demonstrate and support the specific CRs?


  • Does the week-by-week schedule indicate specifically the particular EOs and CRs being addressed?
  • Does the week-by-week work in tandem with the demonstrated NEED, CLOs & GE EOs/CRs?
  • Are the identified Assessment Methods indicated within the week-by-week breakdown?

*Action Item: Josh will redraft document based on committee comments for January 31 meeting.

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