GEGB Meeting 4-20-17

GE Meeting Details

  • Date:  4/20/17
  • Place:  01-301
  • Time:  11:10 am to 12:00 pm
  • Attendance:  Brenda Helmbrecht, Helen Bailey, Emily Fogle, Neal MacDougall, Aaron, Kaila Bussert, John Jasbinek


  • Rachel Fernflores will be returning spring quarter as the CLA representative. Thanks to Denise Isom for her participation during fall and winter quarter


  1. Update on USCP Resolution
    It went before the Academic Senate for the first reading.  There were questions from faculty in the Senate on the makeup of the subcommittee - that will make recommendations to the GEGB.  Is the committee administrative heavy?

    The goal is to tie USCP to the Diversity Learning requirements and give USCP a place of its own. (Previously reviews were done by the Academic Senate Curriculum Committee.)
  • Should there be more faculty on this committee?  
  • Consensus to request a friendly suggestion to the resolution to ask for faculty (Brenda will act on this.)
  • Should this be a rolling position?
  • Would faculty on the committee go through the Academic Senate Executive Committee?
  • Should there be student representation on the committee?

Current representation on sub-committee

  • the Chair of the Academic Senate Curriculum Committee,
  • the Chair of Ethnic Studies,
  • the Chair of the General Education Governance Board (GEGB),
  • the Chair of Women's & Gender Studies,
  • the Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity and Inclusion,
  • and the CTLT Inclusive Excellence Specialists, or their designees, and be it further

2. Update on Course Renewal or Course Refresh Process

Brenda is currently working with Brian Self and Susan Olivas from the Academic Senate Curriculum Committee.

  • Could this process be added to the course modification form?
  • GE PLOs need to be added to the course forms.  Can we add I (Introductory), D (Demonstrate) or M (Mastered)?
  • Could courses be assessed during program review?
  • Could we assess by GE area in a cyclical format?
  • Whose syllabi would be selected?  For example, if there are 30 sections of ENGL 134, would we use a random sampling process?
  • Can we scale down the Educational Objectives and Criteria?

3. We need to respond to the Chancellor's Survey on EO 1100.

  • Suggestion to break the survey up into sub-groups and discuss the components at the next GE meetings.  We have until early June to respond.  Brenda will assign categories to GEGB members for review at the May 11 meeting.

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