GE Curriculum Guidelines
The General Education (GE) program is compliant with CSU requirements and is uniquely tailored to Cal Poly's comprehensive polytechnic education. At Cal Poly all curriculum, including General Education curriculum, is designed and taught by faculty with appropriate training and disciplinary expertise. General Education class instruction includes the opportunity for skill acquisition, development, evaluation, and self-reflection.
Educational objectives are expectations for student learning, the achievement of which can be periodically assessed.
Course criteria are expectations for course design that will be used in the consideration of the course proposal, course modifications, and course renewal.
Together, educational objectives and course criteria are the "(curriculum) guidelines" that act as the foundation for each course.
Guidelines for the major areas can be found via the links below:
Area A: English Communication and Critical Thinking
Area B: Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning
Area C: Arts and Humanities
Area D: Social Sciences
Area E: Lifelong Learning and Self-Development
Area F: Ethnic Studies