GE Task Force 2017-18

In response to the 2015-2016 General Education (GE) program review, then-Provost Kathleen Enz Finken formed a GE Task Force (GETF) to consider the results of the review and provide recommendations for a new vision of GE at Cal Poly. The GETF included students, faculty, and staff representatives from all six of Cal Poly's colleges, as well as the GE Governance Board, Office of University Diversity and Inclusion, University Advising, Office of the Registrar Registrar, and Academic Programs and Planning.


GE Task Force Membership

Name department College or Unit Role
Gregg Fiegel Civil/Env Eng & Honors Program Director College of Engineering Co-Chair
Andrew Morris History College of Liberal Arts Co-Chair
Brenda Helmbrecht English & Writing Director
GEGB Chair
College of Liberal Arts GEGB representative
Daniel Peterson Animal Science College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences College representative
Margot McDonald Architecture/Department Chair College of Architecture and Environmental Design College representative
Peter Schuster Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering College representative
Josh Machamer Theatre and Dance/Department Chair 
Past GEGB Chair
College of Liberal Arts College representative
Stamatis Vokos Physics College of Science and Mathematics College representative
Beena Khurana MBA Program Director Orfalea College of Business College representative
Laura Lodolo Student/Biological Sciences College of Science and Mathematics Student representative
Sarah Morningred Student/English College of Liberal Arts Student representative
Haley Warner Student/AG Ed & Communication College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences Student representative
Bruno Giberti Associate Vice Provost Academic
Programs and Planning
Administrative representative
Cem Sunata Registrar Office of Registrar Administrative representative
Beth Merritt Miller Assistant Vice Provost University Advising Administrative representative
Denise Isom Interim Co-Director
University Diversity & Inclusivity
Ethnic Studies/Chair
College of Liberal Arts Administrative representative



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